Sardinia’s longest Go Kart track? It’s in Ogliastra: let’s find out more about Kartodromo Is Arenadas

Sardinia’s longest Go Kart track? It’s in Ogliastra: let’s find out more about Kartodromo Is Arenadas

A track of 1236 meters, 10 meters wide along the whole path and 13 curves that follow a technically perfect route: these are the features of the longest track in Sardinia.

L’addio commosso a Gabriele, 17 anni, dal dirigente scolastico: “Amate ancora di più la vostra vita”

Gabriele Pattitoni, 17 anni, era stato ricoverato in gravissime condizioni la notte del 10 maggio, a causa di uno scontro tra due scooter a Olbia.